Monday, February 18, 2013

Do I REALLY Know God?

“They profess to know God, but they deny Him by their works.  They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.”  Titus 1:16

As we grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ through His Word we begin to see what a true believer looks  like, and what the Scriptures have to say about the fruit a person claiming to have a personal relationship with God ought to be bearing.  Sometimes, there are professions which seem to ring hollow.

Along this Christian walk I encounter people who say they are believers in Christ when in fact their lives seem to reflect a very different reality.  I would not presume to know their hearts, nor do I wish to cast judgment upon them.  As a friend of mine said just yesterday, “I don’t want to offer unsolicited advice” and whether or not to say something is always answered by seeking the Lord.  I believe this is, at least in part, the result of the fruit of a poor presentation of the gospel message that had little or no focus upon the need for repentance, God’s hatred of sin and the person’s need to be on their face before God, wanting to RUN from their old ways and be utterly transformed.  A change of mind, resulting in a change of behavior which is what repentance is, coupled with believing and trusting the person and finished work of Christ is how a person becomes born again, is made a new creation, is in Christ and no longer in Adam.   

Changing your mind and trusting in Christ are two sides of the same coin, neither of which can take place apart from the other.  Too many false conversions have taken place because this is preached and taught.  But that’s for another day…

When dealing with strangers in a witnessing encounter, here is a question I like to pose to people as an opener and the answer is often quite telling: “If you died today and stood before God in heaven and He asked you, “Why should I let you in?” what would you say?” The array of answers is a testament to the ignorance of the bible. Satan is quite crafty in twisting the simple truth of the gospel.  After all, a little leaven leavens the whole lump.  Hath God said??

In a sermon I heard from John MacArthur in quoting  someone whose name I forget said:

"Why call ye Me Lord, Lord and do not the things I say?  

You call Me the Way and walk Me not.  

You call Me the Life and live Me not.  

You call Me Master and obey Me not.  

You call Me Bread and eat Me not.

You call Me Truth and believe Me not.  

You call Me Lord and serve Me not. 

If I condemn thee, blame Me not!”

1 comment:

  1. Once again our blogger keyboards and Christian thinkcaps click in harmony. My passion, your passion...i truly believe the passion of the Holy Spirit, parting the sea of religious goats and reborn sheep. Reminiscent of an old blog of mine "10 reasons you might be an unsaved Christian"
